Учебник english world level 2 скачать![]() English World 2 Pupils Book.Short Description. macmillan English world 2 pupils book. Description. Scopeond sequence Unit New words ond poge speoking 1. At the castle oction verbs. A fantastic shoP clothes. Doesshe like the dress? Do theg like the hot? Yes/ No, theg do / don't. Do gou like tennis? Yes,we do. Pirotetock is on TV time phroses. What'sthe time? I get up of six o'clock. tn the morning she PlaYs Whot time do gou get up? tennis. Who is the winner? ports of the bodg. Thisis his/ her hand. Whot colour ore their noses? A trip in o bolloon food, drink ond contoiners. There'swoter in the iug. t olwogs eot fruit. Thereore sondwicheson I sometimes eot crisPs I never drink milk. the plate. Look ot the animols! o n i m ol s. Yesterdag it was cold. He wos cold. We were hoppg. Theg were hot. Whot's the time? t(s holf post eight. finding mistokes; obc order. Look! The seo! seo creotures. The fish is next to / between/behind/in front of the boot. There wos o house. There were three birds. sorting items into cotegories. The island on the beoch. I con seehim / her / it. Can gou heor me / them / us? Don't touch it. Don't go neor it. finding missingPictures; obc order. The boot reguloroction verbs. t wolked on the sond. He pointed to o shiP. They plaged in the seo. Firstt played footboll. Next I helped Dod. Then I watched TV. Welcome home! food ond drink. He wolked over / under the bridge. He wolked through / into the river. Yesterdog I climbed o tree. Yesterdog he visited his Grondmo. sorting; obc order. finding o different item. Theseore mA books ond this is mg Pencil cose. Do gou like bananas? Yes,I do. No, I don't. finding the some item. t like bosketball. Dan likesbasketboll. Theg like banonas. What'she doing? What ore gou doing? Whot are theg doing? PiroteJock sportsond hobbies. He's woshing the stePs. Are theg holding lights? Yes,he is. No, sheisn't. Grommorin conversotion Leorningto leorn WB) Whot'sthis/ thot? ln Biffo's gorden ploggroundequiPment What are these/ those? Whoseiacket is this? It'sBen'siocket. Are theseAourPens? I ,ree* with Grondmo ond o storg 3ndp : , : : c u l o r g :d o g si n o w e e k. m o g r ce words, o_e. copitol lettersfor dogs of the week n o u n + p l u r o le s. o storg with repeoted longuoge. > cytime ::s:' otionsof octions : , : r c u l o r g :o c t i o nv e r b s. m o g r ce words, t-_e. cvc verbs + ing hop hopping. o descriptionot outdoor octivities. ht.tn/ s bi rthdog present : - : ' g w i t h f o m i l i o rs e t t i n g : , : i o u l o r g :h o n d c r o f t. m o g r ce words, o_e, u_e, + ue. identifging; listeningfor gist. m o g i c e v e r b s + i n g o storgfrom pictures moke making. fi)qt dothes do gou like? ::s:' otionsof clothes : . : : o u l o r g :c l o t h e s. i n i t i o lb l e n d s cl, fl, bl, pl. ! n ortronout in space -':.motion obout o routine. initiolblends br, cr, gr, dr, tr. -er€s the band! -. -, oulorg: i nstruments. initiolblends i d e n t i f g i n g sl,sm, sn,sp, n u m b e r s st,sw. months of the geor : :: o. Yg nome'sLitg.Th[s is mg frtend,Joe. Listenqnd sog. Now gou! 1wh"f;i,ffi1N ti J ir. Myn What's Hi,Joe! Ask qnd onswer. lt's a Pencllcose. ls it o,rubber? No, it [sn't. 1-l p e n c i lc o s e ? Remember![t- isru't= [t [.snot. Write. 1 lsito penci|? 2 lsito rubber? 3 lsitq 4 lsito. Listenqnd reqd. Goodmornlng,Dgnl ^\ #r-srrr GoodmornLng,L itg ! GnnA mornlng, rn nrnin n Ylr Jottg! Good -d" I. veruwet[thankUOU. u -fff-e .\"' fl(, How are you? ftne, thanks. ,-d: We're. Listenond sog. Now gou ! 1 Whot ore theu? 2 Whot ore theu? Whot ore theg? Whot ore theg? Ask ond onswer. What are theg? Ask ond onswer. Aretheg cats? Yes,theg are. '? l#'sr--.= n Ee€F" ,=-, A r et h e g b o [ [ s ? WE fh write. Yff. -51n''':'* = th.eill Remember! Abe. z Arethesboots? d#B. 3 Arethesdolls? tks. I C Listenond reqd. H f'm Luc1.f'm eight. This is mU fother and this [s mUmother. tm. This[s mU brother,Tom.He'sslx. She'stwo. Thisis mUsister,Y1eg. 3 Writethe words. bedroom bothroom kitchen livingroom. rrrrr*^ Wflte. J,$" I'.9_. = He is Remem berlHe's. 1 How old is LucA? 2 How old isTom? 3 How old is Meg? 4 How old qre gou? ft,, Answer the questions. 1 How old is Meg? 2 How old is Lucg? 3 How old isTom? Thisls mUgrandfather. 4 How old ore gou? 4 Ask ond qnswer' Where'sMum? , She'sin the bi:[t:_:; Write. 1 Whereis Dod? 2 Whereis Mum? 3 WhereisTom? 4 Whereis LucA? R e v i s i o nW e l c o m eU n i t. | |
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